How to take care of a rabbit in an apartment

Last Updated on June 22, 2023 by Admin

Rabbits make great indoor pets especially if you know how to meet their day-to-day needs. Apartment rabbits essentially need at least 12 square feet of space and most importantly, a healthy diet. Additionally, you also need to provide a safe environment for your pets by rabbit-proofing your house. In other words, how to take care of a rabbit in an apartment entails providing them with all the basic essentials as we shall discuss in this article.

Apartment rabbit supply checklist

If you want your pet to live in a conducive indoor environment, then you’ll need to ensure that your apartment complex has some if not all the things listed below.

  • Indoor rabbit housing

First and foremost, you’ll need to provide your bunny with a spacious cage they can retreat to, rest, or sleep in. A standard indoor rabbit cage should measure at least 40 x 20 x 20 inches. Furthermore, you’ll also need to ensure that your rabbit’s indoor enclosure flooring is also conducive enough.


  • Playpen

A playpen also comes in handy if you want to keep your apartment bunny in a secluded area. An ideal indoor playpen should be at least 30 x 30 x 36 inches. In other words, this enclosure typically provides your bunnies with a secure spot they can play or exercise.


  • Food and water


How to take care of a rabbit in an apartment also entails providing them with a proper diet that comprises mainly fresh hay, vegetables, and a limited supply of pellets and fruits. In addition, always ensure that they have accessible clean drinking water at all times.


  • Feeding essentials


Before you consider adopting a rabbit, purchase a hay feeder, a drinking bottle, a food bowl, and a water dish. However, when it comes to the latter, always purchase one made from heavy material like ceramic. This essentially prevents your bunny from accidentally tipping the bowl over, as a result preventing spillage.


  • Chew toys

Rabbit chew toys play an essential role, more so if your rabbits are housed in smaller apartments. Unlike their outdoor counterparts, apartment rabbits are normally confined to a small place and thus they need to be mentally stimulated. This is where chew toys come into play. Some of the recommended chew toys that provide mental nourishment besides trimming their teeth include; chewable balls, hanging chew toys, and foraging mats.


  • Litter box


Another item you need to consider for your apartment bunny is a litter box. However, you’ll first need to litter-train your rabbit. It’s worth pointing out that when choosing a litter box, ensure that the base is sturdy enough to hold even a large-sized rabbit. Alternatively, you can also use cat plastic litter boxes filled with hay, pellets, or unscented papers.


  • Bunny proofing


Lastly, if you not only want a  safe environment but also to protect your valuables, then you’ll need to consider rabbit-proofing your apartment. Use split flex tubing to cover your wooden furniture and a plastic rod shower cover to protect your cords and cables. Cardboard boxes also come in handy when it comes to protecting your walls. However, for a permanent solution use a  mount acrylic sheeting on your walls. When it comes to carpets and drapes, we normally advise purchasing those made from sisal material. Alternatively, you can always restrict your bunny from gaining access to carpeted rooms, and if this isn’t an option simply use a deterrent spray on the two valuables. Lastly, for your kitchen, it’s advisable to seal off the back of all potentially hazardous cooking appliances. Alternatively, place childproof latches on your kitchen door or other restricted rooms in your apartment.


Can rabbits be happy in one room?

Yes, they can. However, the room should be at least 12 square feet to give your rabbit enough space to exercise and play. On top of that, also ensure that the flooring provides traction for your pet’s feet.

How to take care of a rabbit in an apartment


Can bunnies be left alone in an apartment during the day?


Yes, nonetheless, never leave your rabbits unattended for more than 24 hours. This is simply because bunnies essentially rely on us to take care of them. They’re also social animals that easily get stressed out especially if they’re left unattended for too long. Lastly, also ensure that your house is rabbit-proofed with all the basic essentials while you’re away.


Should I sleep with my rabbit in my bedroom or should I lock them up at night?


It essentially boils down to two things, whether your bunny is hyperactive at night and how badly you need a good night’s sleep. Either way, there’s no problem letting your bunny sleep in your bedroom at night. In most cases, this typically builds a strong bond provided that your rabbit has comfortable bedding in its favorite spot. On the other hand, we highly discourage locking your bunnies up at night considering that they’re crepuscular by nature (active at dusk and dawn). If you have no option, at least ensure that they’re cooped up in a cage measuring 6 ft. by 2 ft. by 2 ft. A playpen attached to your rabbit’s enclosure is an added advantage.


Should you cover a rabbit’s cage at night?


It’s okay to cover your rabbit’s cage at night, however, partially do so to keep it ventilated. In addition, provide them with chew toys to keep them preoccupied.


How warm do rabbits need to be?

Temperatures that range between 55° to 70°F or 12° to 21°C are considered ideal for your rabbits. Although they may also cope in 85°F or 30°C weather, anything warmer than that can lead to heatstroke.


Will my rabbit jump off the balcony?

Rabbits are generally acrophobic meaning they fear heights. In the unfortunate event that they’re on the balcony, they’ll certainly take extreme caution not to jump off. However, that’s not to say that they can’t fall off accidentally. Rabbits are generally fragile and can easily get injured from a mere 2 feet fall. As a precaution, it’s advisable to restrict them from accessing your apartment balcony. Alternatively, you can also bunny-proof your balcony and make it accessible to your pet.


Do rabbits make your apartment smell?

Not at all. Rabbits are naturally clean odorless pets that are also easier to clean. However, their urine is a different story. We usually recommended cleaning your rabbit’s enclosure regularly using vinegar, hot water, or a small amount of bleach. This typically removes all the urine stench in your apartment and also gets rid of bacteria in your rabbit’s enclosure. Alternatively, you can also use non-toxic and rabbit-friendly commercial cleaning products. Most importantly, spay or neuter your bunnies then litter-train them to tame their unwanted peeing behavior.


What do rabbits need in their cage?

Some of the basics you need to place in a rabbit’s cage include a food and water bowl and a litter tray. In addition, they need bedding consisting of hay or straw material. How to take care of a rabbit in an apartment mainly boils down to a spacious cage with all the basic necessities mentioned.


Do indoor bunnies poop everywhere?

Only bunnies that haven’t been litter-trained will often poop wherever they please. However, if your bunny is properly litter trained but often poops on unwanted spots in your apartment, then their hormones are likely to be the main trigger. The best way to tame this unwanted behavior is to spay or neuter your rabbit.



By meeting all your bunny’s needs, their quality of life will definitely improve, not to mention how great indoor pets they’ll definitely be. Hopefully, this article has answered your question about how to take care of a rabbit in an apartment.



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