Can rabbits live on the balcony?

Last Updated on June 22, 2023 by Admin

If you live in an apartment or a condo, and you’ve adopted a bunny, you might be wondering, can rabbits live on the balcony? The short answer is yes, however, you need to ensure that it’s spacious and secure enough.


How do you make a balcony rabbit friendly?

Making your balcony rabbit-friendly entails not only bunny proofing, but also making it jump, weather, and predator-proof. On top of that, you’ll also need to make sure that the balcony flooring is not only comfortable for your bunny’s feet but also provides traction. Below are some of the measures to take if you want to provide safe housing for your pet.


  • Bunny proofing

First and foremost, you’ll need to bunny-proof your entire accessible balcony area. This entails ensuring that it’s free from hazardous plants, exposed electric cords, furniture, carpets, or anything unedible or harmful your rabbit may try to reach.

  • Jump proofing

Securing your balcony is essential since it’s usually a matter of life and death in case your rabbit accidentally jumps off the ledge. Considering that bunnies can squeeze themselves through small holes, sealing off or cordoning off the balcony railing is pivotal. When it comes to securing it, we recommend using wooden boards . On the other hand, an exercise or playpen also comes in handy if your intent is to make the railing inaccessible. On top of that, the sealed balcony or the barrier placed needs to be high enough, at least 17 inches. Lastly, also make sure that there are no items or elevation near the railing or barrier your pet can use to step on and jump off the balcony.

  • Weatherproofing

The other factor you need to consider is to ensure that the balcony you intend to keep your rabbit in has a shade, your pet can retreat to when it rains or gets too hot. In other words, your balcony should be roofed partially or entirely if possible. On top of that, also provide your bunny with a secure enclosure they can retreat to or sleep in.

  • Predator proofing

If your rabbit is unsupervised while you’re at work most of the time, a secure balcony that’s safe from predators is something you’ll need to consider. Even after sealing or cording off access to the balcony railing, you’ll also need to go a step further. This entails making sure that the wall around the balcony has a smooth exterior to prevent climbing predators such as stray cats from reaching your rabbit. The best solution, however, is to secure the rail entirely by covering it using a sturdy wire mesh with small holes. On top of that, a secure hutch your rabbit can retreat to or rest in is also pivotal.


  • Proper flooring

 Lastly, you’ll also want to ensure that the balcony flooring has a rough surface to prevent your rabbits from slipping. Although vinyl or wood flooring is the best material choice, you can also use fiber rugs or carpets on top of a concrete surface.

Can rabbits live on the balcony
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Are Bunnies afraid of heights?

Yes, rabbits not only fear heights but they essentially get nervous when all their four feet are off the ground.


Can rabbits fall from a balcony?

Yes, only when the balcony rail isn’t secure. Bunnies are naturally curious animals and may occasionally jump on the ledge by squeezing their body through the railing. In other words, only place your bunny on a balcony you’ve restricted access to the rail, or better yet, have it sealed off entirely to avoid any future mishaps.


Do rabbits have fall damage?

Yes, rabbits can get severe injuries even from a 2 feet fall, let alone falling off a balcony. Considering that rabbits have fragile skeletons, any serious fall may lead to spinal injuries, paralysis, and instant death if the fall is too high.



Can rabbits live on the balcony? A definite yes, provided it’s secure and not in direct sunlight or harsh weather. In other words, you’ll need to ensure that your bunny has a sturdy enclosure and a separate spacious playing area.



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