Last Updated on June 15, 2023 by Admin
Quite often most first-time rabbit owners are taken aback when their calm and adorable pets start to display objectionable behavior. Hormonal rabbit behavior mainly occurs when your pets are around 4 to 8 months.
Bunnies may suddenly display aggression by biting or lunging at you. They may also act territorial by spraying urine, humping, or mounting at objects. This article talks about hormonal rabbit behavior and how to tame this unwanted behavior.
How do you calm a hormonal rabbit?
Often times bunnies that are in the adolescence stage, between 4 to 8 months tend to get nervous, agitated, or aggressive with their owners. Below are some of the various ways you can use to calm a hormonal rabbit.
Firstly, you need to establish essentially what triggered your bunny in the first place. For instance, it could be that you’re trying to cuddle with them while they’re not in the mood. Perhaps you’re trying to intrude on what they consider their personal space.
Whatever the case, it’s advisable to wait a few minutes until your pet is less agitated or nervous before engaging. To calm it down, try petting the top of its head specifically at the ear base. Alternatively, you could also offer your bunny their favorite treat or chew toy to ease their nerves.
As a precautionary measure, wear pet grooming protective gloves prior to interaction with your bunnies especially if you’re yet to earn their trust. This will most likely prevent you from being bitten or scratched. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a permanent solution spaying or neutering your rabbit at 4 to 8 months will definitely nip their hormonal behavior in the bud.
Do rabbits have hormonal cycles?
In terms of the menstrual cycle, no they don’t menstruate. If your unspayed Doe passes blood, it’s often a serious condition that often leads to death within a few days. In other words, blood in their urine is mainly a sign of bladder stone.
When it comes to hormonal behavioral cycles, unneutered or unspayed 4 to 8-month-old rabbits usually display social, aggressive, and sexual tendencies. For instance, bucks may show aggression towards people or other rabbits in general. They may also chase and mount on females more often.
In addition, chinning or marking items as part of their territory is also a common practice. Unspayed females or Does may form a habit of digging new burrows. However, these hormonal cycles tend to be milder for neutered or spayed bunnies.
How long do rabbit hormones last?
On average hormone behavior for spayed or neutered bunnies although mild, normally lasts for a few weeks. This mainly occurs in spring and early in summer since this is when rabbits’ hormones are heightened. Bonded neutered or spayed pairs may occasionally fight, chase or mount their partners for a couple of weeks.
On the other hand, uncastrated or unspayed bunny’s hormones tend to last longer. Its starts when they’re around 4 months and ends when they’re around 8 months old, with spring being their hormonal peak. Lastly, after surgery, it might take roughly two to three days for a rabbit’s hormonal behavior to die down.
Do female rabbits get moody?
Yes, doe’s are often moody when they’re expectant and their aggression level tends to be higher during this time if they’re unspayed. In addition, their appetite and weight will increase in the process.
Why is my rabbit attacking me all of a sudden?
Any defensive or aggressive behavior is most likely hormonal. In other words, it’s a clear indication that your adolescent bunny is trying to defend its territory or personal space. A sudden attack could also mean that your rabbit is in fear or they feel threatened.
To minimize such encounters, avoid cleaning their cage while they’re nearby, and also don’t try to cuddle with them during feeding time. Giving them personal space is pivotal, during puberty especially if they haven’t been spayed or neutered.
Do rabbits get mood swings?
Yes, bunny’s hormones often affect their mood. Adolescent males ( 4 to 8 months) tend to have high testosterone levels while females have high levels of estrogen. In other words, both of them experience mood swings and are normally less tolerant, more aggressive, and territorial towards people and other rabbits.
Does spaying a rabbit change their personality?
No, spaying doesn’t alter a rabbit’s personality. What it basically does is tame their unwanted territorial behavior, aggression, and grumpiness. In the end, their core personality remains pleasantly the same as it was pre-puberty. Their calm temperament reverts back a few weeks post-surgery.
What age should a rabbit be spayed or neutered?
Male rabbits should be neutered as soon as their testicles descend, normally around 2 to 3 months. On the other hand, you should spay Does as soon as they’re sexually active, around 4 months old.
How do you know if a rabbit is unhappy?
A rabbit that’s unhappy tends to be lethargic and mostly in a hunchback position. They may also go into hiding for long periods even when they’re energetic. Unhappy rabbits may also show aggression when you approach them and they often lose their appetite entirely. Other tell-tale signs of a sad bunny are destructive behavior, frequent pacing, or over-grooming.
Hormonal rabbit behavior is something that’s normal and tameable by neutering or spaying your adolescent bunny. Sexual or general aggression or territorial behavior is expected to be mild post-surgery. In addition, it also reduces the risk of reproductive cancer for does.
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