Rabbit proofing your home: The complete guide

Last Updated on June 12, 2023 by Admin

Most indoor rabbit owners can agree that rabbit proofing is a great idea, especially if you have valuable belongings lying around the house. A bunny is an instinctively curious animal and will chew nearly anything it can get hold of. Bunny proofing is, therefore, necessary if you want to protect stuff that your adorable pet might try to destroy.


Rabbit proofing defined


Bunny proofing, in a nutshell, involves three factors:

  • Use various methods to prevent your bunnies from destroying your valuables.
  • Protecting them from chewing hazardous stuff.
  • Providing them with an alternative toy to play with or chew.


What rabbit proofing is all about


Rabbit proofing your house entails protecting your furniture, walls, carpets, and wire covers. For instance,  use split flex tubing when covering wooden chairs and tables.


Another great item you might want to consider is a puppy pen which typically helps block off restricted areas that your pet might sneak in. Last but not least, it’s always advisable to keep your rabbits mentally stimulated by providing them with a chew toy. This blog looks at how to rabbit-proof your home in detail.


The various home items you need to rabbit-proof


  • Rabbit proofing cords


Electrical, extension, television, computer, and cable cords are some of those favorite things your bunny loves chewing. They can be hazardous for both you and your rabbit when tampered with. It’s usually recommendable checking the room your pet hop’s in if there are there life-threatening cords.


Your rabbit might end up being electrocuted or perhaps igniting a fire from nipping an exposed electric cord. To prevent this, ensure that you encase all your cables using a split loom tubing or a plastic rod shower cover.


  • Rabbit proofing your furniture


Rabbits can cause significant damage when they go underneath your bed or seats at home. It can be frustrating trying to keep them away from going under the furniture. Despite your efforts, they eventually keep going back the moment you turn your back on them.


The truth is that your pet isn’t hell-bent on frustrating you but is instinctively curious by nature, and rabbits naturally prefer hidden places that enable them to avoid predators. However, their behavior is most likely going to damage your furniture or, to a certain extent, end up harming your rabbit as well.


How to prevent a bunny from chewing furniture


  1. If you want to control your rabbit from chewing your furniture legs, place a roll tube over them.
  2. Use some office storage grids or pet pens to create barriers around furniture.
  3. To protect the edges of your furniture from being chewed, cover them using corner guards.
  4. You can also bunny-proof your sofas by placing a willow bridge or ceramic tile against them.
  5. The last option is using taste deterrents that will make your wooden furniture have an awful taste.


  • Rabbit proofing carpets and drapes


Another favorite item rabbits like to chew on are carpets and drapes. Quite often, bunnies like nibbling on exposed carpet corners or exposed curtains that are accessible to them. The best solution for this particular problem is to buy short-length curtains or drapes. Also, while at it, ensure that drapery cords are far from a rabbit’s reach. Lastly, use wood or carpet runners to conceal the potential areas your rabbit is most likely to chew.


  • Bunny Proofing your kitchen area

The kitchen is another section of the house that needs rabbit-proofing. For instance, the back of cooking appliances, open cupboards, or drawers is likely to be your pet’s favorite spot. However, since it’s challenging and risky getting bunnies underneath the heavy appliances or the cupboards, sealing off rabbit entrances is usually recommended. The last resort is using childproof latches to lock all kitchen doors to keep your bunny outside and from harm’s way.


  • How do I protect my walls?

Using a cardboard box is one of the most effective methods of rabbit-proofing your wallpaper, wooden partitions, or walls. Additionally, place something heavy against the boards to prevent your pets from moving them. Alternatively, you can set temporary ceramic tiles below the walls in places where your bunnies can access them.

For exposed corners, use plastic corner guards to secure your partitions. Lastly, for a more permanent solution, use mounting acrylic sheeting on your walls.


  • How do I get my rabbit to stop chewing on everything?


Rabbits typically chew stuff at home when they’re bored or lack mental stimulation. Bunny’s that are bored without any toy often chew stuff they find around simply out of sheer entertainment. To prevent your rabbit from this destructive behavior, provide them with multiple chewing stuff to keep them preoccupied.


  • Rabbit deterrent spray


Fooey spray is an ideal deterrent spray that is quite effective when it comes to rabbit-proofing your house. As a result, it prevents your bunny from chewing or destroying anything that it finds on its path. Alternatively, you can always use bitter apple, which is another effective deterrent. Spraying this particular rabbit repellent on cords, carpets, drapes, wooden furniture, or walls is another excellent method of rabbit-proofing where you live.



By bunny-proofing your house, rest assured that they’re in safe surroundings and that your personal belongings are also safe from destruction. Hopefully, this article was informative and worthwhile.


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