Can rabbits get along with cats and dogs?

Last Updated on June 1, 2024 by Admin

Is it possible for rabbits to get along with cats and dogs? In most cases, rabbits can get along with other pets; however, training usually takes time and patience. Rabbits, cats, and even dogs, contrary to common thought, can get along very well. Although these prey-predator combinations appear to contravene nature’s laws, they are possible. This blog talks about valuable tips when it comes to rabbits, cats, and dogs’ coexistence.


Introducing Rabbits to Cats

When introducing a rabbit and a cat, you must be cautious. It’s advisable not to leave your pets unsupervised during their first encounter. Ensure there is a barrier between the cat and the rabbit when you initially introduce them.

Although cats are generally calm animals, they may be curious about new pet rabbits; however, they will grow accustomed to them quickly. Rabbits, on the other hand, require a period of adjustment since they are instinctively prey animals. In the end, these two pets will gradually learn to live together and may even be fond of each other.

Introducing your cat and rabbit when they’re young is a great way to create a strong bond. Since they’ve spent their entire lives together, your rabbit won’t regard the cat as a threat. It’s also crucial to consider your rabbit’s size. Bunnies can weigh anywhere from 2 to 12 pounds on average.

A small two-pound rabbit may be small enough for your cat to chase after, while a giant 12-pound rabbit may be larger than your cat. Having a large-sized rabbit and cat as pets is considerably safer. A rabbit will disrupt the cat’s predator-prey relationship due to the size difference in this particular instance.


Tips on how to properly introduce a rabbit and cat


  • While the rabbit is safe in an enclosure, let the cat out.

Allow the animals to become familiar with each other’s scents, movements, and behaviors. It will take some time before you can set the rabbit loose; always give your pets at least an hour of interaction each day. Cats are predators, and rabbits are prey animals, so rabbits and cats’ relationship might seem odd. However, they can be good friends after a while. Always take your time and allow them to interact freely and safely.


  • Make sure you have of barrier between the two pets when introducing them. 

 Give the rabbit a hiding spot, such as a box or nook, and make sure your cat has somewhere to go if the rabbit spooks them. A terrified rabbit will flee and hide or begin pounding its rear legs. If either animal appears to be afraid or stressed, you should cease the interaction and try the next day.


  • Closely monitor your rabbit and cat’s interaction.

Even if your pets seem to get along right away, it’s preferable to wait a few months before allowing them to socialize without any barriers. Keep a watchful eye on their interactions and be ready to break them up at the first sign of danger. Lastly, I recommend keeping them apart whenever you’re away from home or aren’t keeping a watchful eye on them.


How to deal with rabbits that don’t get along with cats

Unfortunately, there is a chance that your cat and rabbit won’t get along. If your efforts to bond the two don’t succeed, you’ll have to separate them permanently. The simplest solution is to keep your rabbit in a space that your cat can access. At the very least, ensure your rabbit has a well-secured cage. 


Rabbits and dogs

 Is it possible for rabbits and dogs to get along? Yes, but a dog’s prey drive determines everything. A low prey drive is essential for successful interspecies coexistence. Even when playing, a dog with a low prey drive is always gentle on other animals.

In most cases, rabbits and dogs do not get along, although there’s an exception to this. A calm dog, especially one that has lived with other small animals such as cats, can get along with your bunny. It’s sometimes easier to introduce a puppy to a rabbit rather than a bunny to a dog. By doing the former, a canine will automatically develop a strong bond with your rabbit. However, it is always wise to monitor their interaction even at an early age since a boisterous puppy can potentially injure a rabbit.

Rabbits are prey animals and can feel frightened in the presence of dogs. In the worst-case scenario, the rabbit may suffer a heart attack or fall into shock due to being in the presence of a barking dog.

Tips on how to properly introduce your rabbit and dog


  • Introduce the rabbit and dog from a distance and with a cage between them

First, make sure a barrier separates your rabbit and dog. Use either a cage or fence. It’s ideal for keeping your dog on a leash while interacting with your bunny for the first time. Regardless, don’t allow your dog to get close to the cage or barrier.


  • Keep an eye on your pet’s behavior.

For instance, if your rabbit is trying to flee or ride from the dog, quickly end the interaction. Try it again in a few days to see whether your bunny is calmer. If they are, it’s time to let the dog approach the rabbit’s enclosure.

Again, while your dog is on a leash, try interaction, and if your rabbit is quivering in fear or is afraid, repeat the process another day. However, if your pets don’t get along, you’ll have to keep them permanently separated after countless efforts.


Rabbits and other small animals

Rabbits used to be kept in groups with other tiny animals like pet rats or guinea pigs. Because they are all small prey species, these animals could be friends. However, this has mostly fallen out of favor, and it is not recommended in general.

Spayed or neutered rabbits are considerably calmer; however, they’re usually instinctively territorial and will occasionally attack other smaller pets. It’s therefore advisable keeping a close eye on how your rabbit interacts with other tiny animals.



With proper training, rabbits eventually get along with cats and dogs, not to mention other pets as well. The time frame, however, usually depends on the rabbit breed and also the amount of effort you put in.



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