How long does a rabbit spay operation take?

Last Updated on June 22, 2023 by Admin

Rabbit Spaying or ovariohysterectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of a Doe’s uterus and ovaries to keep them sterile. If you want to desex your bunny you might probably wonder, how long does a rabbit spay operation take? This article answers that; it also talks about post-spay care and everything related to spaying a female rabbit.


How long does a rabbit spay operation take?

The entire procedure takes around two hours. This includes anesthesia, the actual ovariohysterectomy operation which takes 10 to 15 minutes, and also the time it takes for your rabbit to gain consciousness. If your bunny is spayed during the day, it’s advisable to have them admitted overnight at the veterinarian’s hospital. This essentially allows the vet to monitor your pet’s recovery after administering a medication that relieves post-surgery pain.

How long does a rabbit spay operation take?

How long does it take for a female rabbit to recover from being spayed?

Spaying is a minor surgical procedure that takes around a week or two for your bunny to fully recover. Your vet will administer pain relievers after the surgery. Nonetheless, you also need to take proper care of your rabbit while at home.


What is the process of spaying a rabbit?

For starters, your veterinarian will anesthetize a bunny. They’ll then proceed by shaving its abdomen and disinfecting the skin around the abdominal wall where the incision will be. After the abdominal cut, the vet will tie off the blood vessels before removing your Does ovaries and uterus. Finally, they’ll close the incision using several sutures.


How do you take care of a bunny after being spayed?


After surgery before you bring your rabbit home, always ensure that their cage is thoroughly clean. On top of that replace your bunny’s hay bedding with clean towels to keep its wound clean and free from infection. We recommended using a clean cloth soaked in a vinegar disinfectant and hot water to wipe the cage floors and surfaces around their enclosures. Once your rabbit has fully recovered, you may return its hay bedding back to its cage.

In case you have more than one rabbit, separate the recently spayed female from the rest, until its stitches are removed. This will prevent opening the spay wound during the recovery period in the unfortunate event of a fight breaking out.

Also, ensure that your Does start eating immediately after surgery to keep their digestive tract working properly. It’s normal for female bunnies to lose their appetite after spaying. As a result, it’s advisable to feed them their favorite treat. If they’re still reluctant to eat 12 hours post-surgery, take them back to the vet. Alternatively, you can also try to syringe feed them. It’s also important to give your bunny the right dose of the prescribed medication to relieve pain during recovery. Lastly, it’s pivotal that you return to the vet 10 days after your rabbit’s surgery. In other words, the animal specialist will check to see if the wound has healed properly or not. If it has, they’ll remove the stitches.


Can I hold my bunny after spaying?

Avoid holding or handling your rabbit a few days after the procedure to enable the incision to heal properly. In the first 24 hours after surgery, Does often prefer solitude and may probably go into hiding which is perfectly normal. After a couple of days post- spaying, ensure that your bunny doesn’t engage in rigorous activities which may strain the incision. In other words, keep your pet in its cage for a few days.


Does spaying rabbits calm them down?

Spaying a rabbit essentially tames their aggressive behavior and makes them calmer and more affectionate. It’s worth pointing out however that spaying doesn’t alter a rabbit’s core personality. In simpler terms, spaying helps to reduce unwanted behavior.



How long do Unspayed rabbits live?

Regardless of breed, a rabbit that hasn’t been spayed has an average life expectancy of 4 to 7 years. Unspayed female rabbits are also at a higher risk of developing uterine cancer as early as 6 months old. On the other hand, a spayed Doe has an average lifespan of 8 to 12 years.


Can a spayed rabbit get pregnant?

No, a spayed female rabbit can’t get pregnant after an ovariohysterectomy. Spaying is basically the removal of a rabbit’s ovaries and womb. Although the chances of getting pregnant are zero, your Does may still have false or phantom pregnancies.


What’s the right time to spay my rabbit?

The right age to spay your rabbits is when they’re between 4 to 5 months old. This is essentially the age where Does reach sexual maturity and where their hormones start to kick in.


What to expect after spaying a rabbit

After two to three days post-surgery, expect your rabbits to be more affectionate and less territorial than before. Your bunny will also be easier to litter train and also they’ll be less aggressive towards you and other rabbits. It’s worth pointing out however that spayed rabbit hormones are heightened in early summer and spring. Nevertheless, the hormonal levels are mild compared to if they’re left unspayed.



How long does a rabbit spay operation take? It takes only a couple of hours, which is worthwhile in the long run. In other words, spaying essentially tames unwanted behavior and also increases a rabbit’s life expectancy.



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