Facts about rabbits

Last Updated on May 31, 2024 by Admin

One of the facts about rabbits is that they’re cute fluffy pets that are popular in most households. They’re social, intelligent, and also great companions. Besides being playful, docile, and affectionate, bunnies are also inexpensive and usually require less maintenance. Below are more interesting facts about rabbits worth knowing.

Rabbits like to groom

Just like cats, rabbits are hygienic animals that occasionally spend time cleaning themselves. Their grooming routine involves licking clean their fur and paws. You’re therefore exempted from regular grooming unlike with most pets.  


They are crepuscular by nature

One of the fascinating facts about rabbits is that they’re most active at dawn and dusk. They usually sleep mostly during the day and periodically during the night as they are traditionally prey animals instinctively alert for prowling predators. You might find your rabbit often asleep during the day and most early in the morning or late in the evening.


Their nails and teeth never stop growing

Rabbit nails are similar to humans as they usually grow continuously and need a trim after every six weeks to keep them in check. On the other hand, their teeth design is for constantly chewing as they too never stop growing. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that your bunny gets an adequate food supply to maintain its tooth size through grinding as often as possible.

Rabbits have a vision that’s 360 degrees

One of the other facts about rabbits is that, by nature, they usually prey instinctively on the lookout. Their eyesight covers a 360 degrees angle, and it’s, therefore, next to impossible to sneak upon them. Without turning their heads, rabbits can see what’s behind, on the side, above, below, and in front. Rabbits have great eyesight as they can spot objects from far away despite the tiny blind spot around their nose.


Each rabbit breed has a unique personality

Unlike other domesticated pets, rabbits’ personalities are distinctly different. Depending on your particular domestic rabbit breed, chances are you’ll have to spend some quality time getting to know them more. Bonding usually takes a lot of time, especially when it comes to new rabbits. Also, always pay close attention to how your bunny behaves or interacts with other pets before pairing them up.


 They’re all about territory

Rabbits are usually territorial by nature; they’re generally all about personal space. Depending on their personalities, you’ll tend to find that some are more territorial than others. However, most rabbits will take offense when you reach into their zone when they’re still around. If you invade their home, expect a hard pound, getting charged at, a pointy tipped paw, or at times even a bite.

When it comes to marking territories, rabbits usually place big dry droppings or pallets; they also use their sweat glands underneath their chins to mark their territory. Lastly, rabbits will use their urine to state objects they fancy or feel that they own.

Rabbits express themselves using their ears, tail, and stance

Rabbits typically use body language to express themselves around humans or other bunnies. For instance, they tend to point their ears up and turn forward when they’re in a happy mood. In addition, a rabbit may binky when they’re in a good mood. A binky involves a rabbit playfully jumping in the air and twisting its head or body around.

When agitated, a bunny’s ears turn in direction and point sideways, then backward. They also raise their tail outward to signal agitation or excitement. On the other hand, an outraged bunny will lower backward its pointed ears down towards its body, almost similar to a grooming rabbit. An angry rabbit raises its chest from the ground, unlike when it’s grooming.

If a rabbit has its legs standing spread apart, then it’s trying to show a firm stance that means business. However, the front legs together suggest that the aggression level is lesser, and a bunny that’s turned to one side while facing you is most likely to be more afraid than angry.




Rabbits are Coprophagic species

One of the interesting facts about rabbits is that they are coprophagy, in other words, they eat their excrement. This mostly happens at night or in the wee hours. This excrement is better known as Cecotropes, nocturnal droppings, or Cecal droppings. These fecal pellets are quite different from their normal droppings since they’re darker, smaller, and softer. The edible poop is also rich in protein, vitamins B, and K. In simpler terms, rabbits eating their droppings is perfectly normal.



Bunnies are fast at reproducing

Just like rodents, Male rabbits (bucks) frequently breed with females (Doe), reproducing any time of the year without the female being on heat(Oestrus). Both rabbits are typically sexually mature after reaching six months. A Doe will continue producing kittens for the next four years, while a buck is sexually productive up until they’re seven years old.

A rabbit’s gestation period is 31 days, and a doe can produce between 1 to 12 kittens every time she gives birth. A female bunny can also get pregnant again a couple of days after giving birth. However, it’s usually not advisable for a doe to get pregnant immediately after giving birth as she will be unable to tend to all her young ones.

Allow mating again only when the doe’s initial litter is four weeks old so that when the second litter is born, your first litter will be eight weeks, grown enough to need a mother’s care.


Their lifespan is between 8 to 14 years

Most domestic rabbit breeds have a fairly average lifespan for domestic pets. Their lifespan has improved tremendously over the years since they were widely embraced and bred as pets, hence receiving more care and attention.

Just like dogs, a rabbit’s lifespan largely varies depending on the type of rabbit breed in question. For instance, dwarf or miniature rabbit breeds tend to live longer than some giant rabbit breeds. When all factors are constant; a rabbit’s health and lifespan are relatively intertwined with its diet.

A rabbit diet should be rich in fiber content, vitamins, and minerals for a healthier and more nutritious diet. Practicing good hygiene and a safe, clean environment is critical for a rabbit’s overall health. Mental stimulation and adequate space are also fundamental for keeping your rabbit happy and hence prolonging its lifespan. Finally, regular checks from the veterinarian are also essential if you want to extend your rabbit’s health longevity.


Rabbits are easy to train

Most people don’t know that rabbits are intelligent, social animals that are usually easy to train and can respond to simple commands. Understanding your bunny’s body language is essential when you want it to respond to your training. First and foremost, your rabbits need to be in the mood.

For instance, a happy bunny will purr; relax, and do a little binky (happy hopping). Lastly, a rabbit’s nose usually twitches when it’s in a good mood. Generally, happy rabbits are curious and will counterintuitively start responding to your commands after devoting plenty of your time training them; always reward them with their favorite treat.


Rabbits need plenty of space


Regardless of whether you keep your rabbits indoors or outdoors, they need plenty of space to exercise and play. A rabbit’s enclosure should be at least 8 square feet. An ideal rabbit cage or hutch for a dwarf-sized rabbit should measure 4 ft. x 2 ft. x 2 ft., while a medium or large bunny breed enclosure should measure at least 6 ft. by 2 ft. by 2 ft. In addition, they should also have a play area that’s at least 24 square feet. A spacious living area helps your bunny to exercise which in turn strengthens their muscles as well as providing them with both mental and physical stimulation.

Rabbits can’t vomit

Bunnies have a delicate digestive system that lacks a gag reflex, on top of having a weak diaphragm and weak stomach muscles that prevent content from moving up their throat. In other words, even if they swallow hairballs after self-grooming, they can throw up. The only way to remove unwanted content from their digestive tract is by providing them with a high roughage diet that aids in digestion and waste removal.


They drink a lot of water

Rabbits tend to drink four times more than they feed. In other words, bunnies essentially have a high water intake compared to dogs and cats per body weight. To be specific, an average-sized rabbit drinks 50 to 150 ml per kg per day, while larger breeds drink around 750 ml per day. Similarly, their urine production for younger breeds is 120 to 130 ml per kg per day while for larger breeds is about 650 ml per day. It is therefore recommended to provide your rabbit with a 24/7 constant supply of clean water.


Carrots are not a rabbit’s main diet

Contrary to popular belief, a bunny doesn’t rely on carrots as its primary diet. On the contrary, a rabbit’s main diet should comprise mainly hay, substituted by veggies and fruits as treats. In other words, sparingly and occasionally feed your rabbits carrots since they contain high sugar content.


Rabbits use their ears to cool off

Besides a rabbit using its ears for detecting sound or potential threats, they are also helpful for regulating temperature. In other words, their large surface area enables heat to escape from their body on a hot day.


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