What fruits can rabbits eat?

Last Updated on June 15, 2023 by Admin

Fruits are high in fiber and are a great source of vitamins and minerals for rabbits. It’s worth pointing out however that rabbits’ diet should comprise mainly of hay and vegetables. Gradually introduce fruits moderately, to allow your pet’s digestive system to adjust. The rule of thumb is to feed bunnies two or three tablespoons of fruit three times per week. So what fruits can rabbits eat? A quick answer is apples, apricots, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, cucumbers, grapes, mandarins, and many more. This article talks about the 25 different types of fruits to feed your bunnies.

  • Apples

Whether it’s red or green apples, both contain essential nutrients a rabbit needs. Fresh apples are high in calories, potassium, and vitamin A, which contribute to the growth and development of rabbits. When it comes to introducing an apple diet to your rabbit, make sure that you remove the cores, seeds, and stems which are normally toxic.


  • Apricots

Another fruit that rabbits can eat is apricots. This particular fruit is ideal for serving bunnies due to its nutritional value. Feed adult bunnies one-third of apricots twice per week and always ensure that both the leaves and seeds are removed, due to their toxicity.

  • Bananas

Bananas are also a healthy fruit to feed your rabbits. The nutrients found in this particular fruit contribute to the growth and development of bunnies. You can feed your rabbits with two tablespoons of banana for rabbits that weigh around 5 pounds.

  • Blackberries

When it comes to blackberries, ensure that they’re ripe. In addition, you can also feed your rabbits the brambles and thorns of this particular fruit. Six-pound rabbits should eat a maximum of 6 blackberries per serving once or twice per week.

  • Blueberries

Blueberries are high in sugar, antioxidants, and vitamins C and K. They also comprise 91 carbohydrates,4% protein, and 5% fats. Feed larger rabbit breeds with 6 pieces, medium-sized with 3, and dwarf bunnies with 1 piece of blueberries.

  • Cherries

Rabbits can feed on both sour and sweet cherries, however, ensure that you remove the pits beforehand. Just like most fruits, limit their consumption to a single cherry per serving, once or twice per week thanks to their high sugar levels.

  • Cranberries

Give your rabbit 3 to 5 cranberries per serving twice per week, since they’re high on sugar. Before feeding your bunnies dried cranberries, always ensure that they’re cut to prevent bunnies from choking when ingesting the fruit.

  • Cucumbers

Cucumbers are high in fiber and water content, thus making them among the edible fruits for rabbits.  Offer your bunny a small slice of cucumber that’s a few millimeters thick per serving, twice per week. Anything more than that often causes digestive or stomach upsets, which leads to loose waste or diarrhea.

  • Grapes

You can moderately feed rabbits  2 to 3  white or red grapes a couple of days per week. Ensure that your grapes are clean and fresh. Grapes are ideal for rabbits since they contain small quantities of vitamins and fiber making them a healthy fruit for rabbits. Lastly, before feeding your rabbits grapes,  remove the seeds and skin since excessive consumption leads to kidney stones or kidney failure.

  • Mandarins

Mandarins contain calcium, fat as well as phosphorus. You should therefore feed your bunnies sparingly since this particular fruit is acidic. Peel off the fruit and give them 2 teaspoons twice per week.

  • Mango

Feed your rabbits ¼ of a piece twice per week. Mangoes are a healthy treat that is rich in nutrients, minerals, calcium, and phosphorus. Just ensure that the mango is ripe and clean before feeding your bunnies.


  • Nectarines

Feed your rabbit 1/3 of this particular fruit which is highly nutritious. Remove the pits and stalk before feeding your rabbit. Nectarines contain fiber, protein, potassium, and phosphorus. To prevent digestive problems feed your rabbit this type of peach once or twice per week.

  • Orange

Give your rabbit one-quarter of an orange per serving twice per week. Oranges just like most fruits are high in sugar and are also a great vitamin source. Lastly, always ensure that you peel the oranges and remove the seeds and piths beforehand.

  • Pawpaw/ Papaya

Pawpaws and papayas are highly nutritious since they contain vitamin A, potassium, and selenium which are healthy for rabbits. You can also sparingly serve your bunnies with wilted or fresh pawpaw or papaya leaves (one tablespoon of the fruit and a tablespoon of the leaves). Although rabbits can eat the fruit’s skin, it’s advisable to remove the pits. This is simply because pits are highly nutritious and often lead to obesity when consumed excessively.


  • Pears

Pears contain potassium, minerals and vitamin C. Feed your rabbit a quarter of a pear per serving twice or thrice per week. It’s okay for rabbits to ingest the pear skin too. However, ensure that it’s cleaned properly to remove any traces of pesticides or dirt which can cause stomach upsets.

  • Peach

This particular fruit is high in sugar, potassium, vitamin A and C. Feed your rabbits one-third of a piece of peach with its skin, however, don’t forget to remove the stones.


  • Plums

You can feed your rabbit one small plum or ½ a piece of one large plum, without the stone, twice per week. This particular fruit contains small amounts of Vitamin A, fiber, protein, potassium, and calcium.


  • Pineapple

Pineapple is another great fruit rabbits can eat, since it’s high in sugar and vitamin C. Peel off the skin and only feed your pet a fraction of the juicy fleshly part per serving, twice per week. Avoid feeding your rabbit pineapple leaves which are likely to cause stomach upset.


  • Raspberries

This particular fruit is low in sugar and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Feed your rabbits two large raspberries or 4 smaller ones per serving once or twice per week. Additionally, you can also give them dry fruits canes, and leaves.


  • Raisins

Raisins are rich in fiber, minerals, and nutrients. They also contain antioxidants which typically boost a bunny’s immunity. However, they also contain high sugar levels. It’s always advisable to feed your rabbit two pieces of raisins twice per week.


  • Strawberries

This particular fruit is high in fiber and nutrients and is also among the best treats to give your bunnies. Strawberries also contain potassium, magnesium, and manganese, although they’re also high in sugar. For dwarf rabbits one small strawberry piece is ideal. On the other hand, medium and large breeds should eat 2 to 4 pieces per serving, twice per week.

  • Tomatoes

As much as many might think that tomatoes are veggies, they’re not, they’re actually fruits, a type of berry to be precise. Tomatoes are rich in potassium, folate, vitamin C and K. A quarter piece per serving twice per week is enough for adult rabbits.


  • Kiwis

Kiwis are another fruit that’s recommended for rabbits. It’s low on sugar, and high on vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. Feed your rabbit half a kiwi with both the skin and pips intact.

  • Melon

Whether it’s cantaloupe, Galia, or honeydew melon, feed your rabbits 2 to 3 tablespoons once or twice per week. Melons are rich in vitamins and minerals which are essential for your rabbit’s health and overall growth.

  • Watermelon

Watermelons are another fruit recommended for rabbits. They are rich in carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C as well as sugar. Rabbits can also eat the watermelon skin and rind, however, ensure that it’s minimal. Feed your bunny ½ of a thin watermelon slice without the seeds, twice per week.

Which fruits are considered toxic for rabbits?

Avocado and rhubarb are the two fruits that rabbits shouldn’t eat at all costs. Both of these fruits contain high levels of toxic compounds which can cause serious health issues as we shall see below.

  • Avocado

Avoid feeding your rabbits avocado fruit, leaves, or any other part of this particular plant. Rabbits that consume avocado tend to have breathing difficulties or heart problems which often lead to their demise. This is usually caused by a fungicidal toxin known as persin.

  • Rhubarb

Rhubarb is another poisonous fruit that rabbits shouldn’t ingest. Additionally, its leaves and the entire plant are also toxic when ingested by rabbits. One of the symptoms, as a result of rhubarb consumption, include dehydration, diarrhea, and kidney failure. This is usually caused by the presence of oxalic acid which is highly toxic for rabbits.



Hopefully, we’ve answered the age-old question of what fruits can rabbits eat. Fruits should be fed as a treat and only supplement a rabbit’s diet since excessive consumption often leads to obesity and toothaches. Additionally, avoid giving your rabbits dry fruit since they typically contain high levels of sugar. Lastly, peel all edible fruits, remove their pips, and always ensure that they’re fresh and clean before feeding your pets.

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