The benefits of rabbit companionship for seniors

Last Updated on June 7, 2024 by Admin

Interacting with bunnies for seniors has been known to improve their mental health as well as provide emotional support. This article looks into the health benefits of seniors adopting pet rabbits and why they make great companions.

  • Rabbits are affectionate

Rabbits are affectionate pets that thrive around humans. Since a majority of seniors are disconnected from loved ones most of the time, social interaction with a rabbit brings fulfillment. In other words, when seniors socialize with an affectionate bunny, it gives them a sense of purpose and alleviates the feeling of isolation or loneliness.


  • Emotional support

Another benefit of keeping bunnies as companions is that they’re good therapy animals that help seniors relieve stress. This is possible through an individual’s constant interaction with rabbits, which as a result increases serotonin levels or feel-good hormones. Pet rabbits therefore can help improve the mood of older adults who may be having a dull or bad day. Lastly, a bond between the two can also be therapeutic for older adults in the sense that their pet rabbit is always there to provide mental comfort.

  • Mental and physical stimulation

A rabbit’s companionship also helps to stimulate older adults’ minds when they entirely take care of their pets. Seniors who don’t participate in any activities will as a result have a responsibility to feed, groom, pet, or train their bunnies. In some cases, mental stimulation through taking care of pet rabbits helps the elderly who may be at risk of developing dementia.

According to research, senior citizens who own pets have a low rate of getting cardiovascular disease. Bunnies usually need to spend at least 3 hours outside their cage to play and exercise.  As a result, seniors who engage in physical activities such as playing with their rabbits or taking them for walks help them exercise.


  • Rabbits are quiet

Bunnies are relatively calm animals that only name sounds when necessary. This is advantageous more so for the elderly who occasionally take naps and also enjoy peace and quiet.


  • Rabbits are small and easier to maintain

Senior citizens may find it easier to handle a 5-pound rabbit as opposed to a 22-pound dog. Bunnies can make great lap pets while being petted or occasionally being groomed without placing too much pressure on an elderly’s frail legs. In terms of daily care, they need a balanced diet that consists mainly of fresh hay, substituted with small amounts of veggies and pellets. Not forgetting 24/7 access to clean water. Lastly, bunnies also need a clean living space, which entails cleaning their litter and regular replacement of their hay bedding.


  • Rabbits Can Be Litter Trained

Just like other popular pets, rabbits can be litter trained which is an advantage if they’re housed indoors. This makes it convenient for seniors with limited mobility as they don’t have to take their bunny for a walk outside for them to do their business like you would with a dog.


Rabbit companionship for seniors is beneficial since it helps improve their mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Nevertheless, when it comes to keeping the right rabbit as a senior, you need to pick the right breed as well as be ready to take care of their daily needs.


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