Is rabbit poop good fertilizer?

Last Updated on July 8, 2024 by Admin

When it comes to gardening, choosing the right fertilizer is essential for the healthy growth of plants as well as maximizing your yields. Although we have the traditional livestock manure, bunny owners often wonder, is rabbit poop also good fertilizer? The short answer is yes. Rabbit droppings offer a multitude of benefits for plants. This article looks at the advantages of rabbit poop fertilizer; we’ll also explore the different ways to apply it and frequently asked questions related to rabbit poop fertilizer.


Benefits of using rabbit poop as fertilizer          

Rabbit manure has several benefits that make it one of the best fertilizers out there. Below are some of the main benefits its application offers for different types of plants in your garden.


  • Rabbit manure is nutrient-rich

Bunny manure is ideal for plant growth since it’s packed with essential nutrients. For instance, it contains nitrogen which plants need to remain strong and evergreen. It contains potassium which helps prevent plant disease as well as improve fruit quality. Rabbit poop also has phosphorus which helps to convert sunlight into chemical energy. This as a result helps to promote root growth as well as plant fertility.


  • Rabbit poop is safer

 Rest assured that rabbit poop will be less harmful to your crops since it doesn’t contain harmful pathogens. On top of that, rabbit manure unlike most fertilizers doesn’t burn your plants if applied incorrectly. Lastly, rabbit dropping is safer because they don’t contain undigested seeds which may grow alongside your crops and compete for resources.


  • It isn’t that smelly

The other benefit of using rabbit poop as fertilizer is that it’s usually less smelly than other manures. Healthy rabbit poop is dry and firm thus it carries less smell, making it easier to handle and also a great option for small outdoor spaces or urban gardens.


  • Rabbit poop is cost-effective

The other benefit of using rabbit manure is that it is cost-effective for gardening in the long run. This is considering that a couple of bunnies on average produce a ton of manure annually.


  • Helps improve soil structure

Rabbit droppings have organic matter that helps with soil moisture and drainage retention. On top of that, it also helps to improve the life cycle of microorganisms in the soil which improves the soil’s overall structure.

Is it safe to put rabbit manure directly in my garden?

Although rabbit poop can be applied directly to garden beds, due to its high nutrient content, it’s advisable to mix it with soil or compost. The main reason for this is to avoid providing plants with excessive nutrients. This in turn reduces the aging process of nitrogen as well as eliminating the risk of plant roots burning.


How frequently should you use rabbit poop fertilizer?

The rule of thumb is once a week or once after a couple of weeks. This will of course vary depending on the type of crop you growing.


What’s the duration it takes for rabbit poop to decompose?

It usually takes 6 months for rabbit droppings to decompose naturally. However, to quickly decompose it as manure, it’s recommended to either compost it or mix it in water and let it dissolve before applying it to the garden. The latter essentially helps to break down the nutrients making it easier to be absorbed by plants.


What plants can you use rabbit manure on?

Some of the popular plants you can top dress using rabbit poop include vegetables, flower beds as well as ornamental plantings.


The different ways of preparing rabbit poop for fertilizer

There are three different methods of preparing rabbit poop into fertilizer and the advantages of each one.


  • Using fresh unprocessed rabbit poop

This method entails top-dressing the soil with fresh rabbit poop while preventing it from directly being in touch with your plants. The other way to use fresh unprocessed rabbit poop as manure is by creating a furrow and filling it with the rabbit manure. This essentially keeps the flies at bay while also helping the worms to decompose the manure easily. It’s always recommended to fill the furrow with fresh rabbit poop and then cover it with soil that’s 1 inch.

Lastly, before using this method, always make sure that the rabbits producing the poop are fed a healthy balanced diet and that they’re kept in a clean environment. This eliminates the possibility of their dropping containing harmful pathogens.


  • Composting rabbit poop

The other way to prepare rabbit droppings is by composting them. This essentially encourages microbial activities that break down fiber from the pile as well as making the poop drier, odorless, and free from harmful pathogens.

It’s worth mentioning that the time it takes to compost rabbit poop into fertilizer depends on various factors. They include pile size, exposure to sunlight, and humidity. Nonetheless, generally, it takes around 3 months for a smaller pile and roughly 6 months to a year for a larger pile.


  • How to compost rabbit poop

For this procedure, other than the rabbit poop pellets, you’re going to need composting material which includes, leaves, hay, cut grass, kitchen leftovers, and worms, preferably red wiggler.

Start by mixing the bunny droppings with the composting material equally in a bin. Add water just enough to make the mixture damp and not too wet. The next step is to cover the bin using a lid and place it outside under the sun to compost. After a couple of weeks, stir or turn the compost to ensure that there’s proper oxygen circulation, and also add water if necessary.

At around 6 weeks, introduce the red wiggler warms to your compost to help speed up the process. After a few months, once your compost forms a rich dark-colored look, consider it ready for use. Lastly, when applying the fertilizer, you can mix it or spread it on top of the soil.


  • Compost rabbit poo tea

The last method of preparing rabbit poop for fertilizer is by mixing it with water to form manure tea. For this method, pour a single cup of rabbit poop into a one-gallon bucket, then fill it with water and keep it sealed for a week. This duration helps to break down the nutrients in the poop making it more efficient. Finally, after soaking and properly mixing the liquid, it forms a darker color and is usually ready for use. To apply it in your garden, sprinkle or spray it around your plants.



Rabbit poop is a good fertilizer since it generally helps to improve soil fertility as well as enhance water retention, which as a result promotes plant vitality. In short, if you’re keeping rabbits or have access to their droppings, then they’re the secret sauce to bountiful crops or a thriving garden.

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