Daily rabbit care checklist

Last Updated on June 15, 2023 by Admin

Having a daily rabbit care checklist is pivotal when you want to raise a healthy and content bunny. Regardless of whether you’re a novice or an experienced owner, your bunny’s welfare should always be a priority. In other words, you should be willing to provide them with a proper diet and a conducive living space. Additionally, be ready to groom and also take care of their daily needs.

Take care of a rabbit on a daily basis

Having a daily care checklist is necessary when it comes to rabbit care in general. Below are some of the essentials when it comes to a rabbit’s basic supplies, their overall health, diet, grooming, and housing.

  1. Basic supplies


  • Food Dish

An essential item that comes in handy during feeding is a rabbit’s food dish. Since bunnies are prone to move around, there’s a high likelihood that at some point, they’ll eventually contaminate their exposed food. Purchasing a food dish where you can store your pet’s favorite pellets or veggies is therefore necessary. On the other hand, when it comes to hay, consider getting them a hay feeder instead. Alternatively, to simplify things further, simply purchase a hay and food bin feeder.

  • Water bowl

Another essential item a rabbit will need is a water bowl which you need to refill regularly. Bunnies need a constant supply of fresh water to keep them hydrated. An ideal water bowl shouldn’t be too big or too light to the extent of easily making a mess.

  • Litter box

If you intend to have an indoor free-roaming rabbit, then you need to consider purchasing a litter box. A perfect one should be durable with a low front entry and high sides to prevent waste spillage. Place unscented or paper-based litter such as wood pellets, aspen, or shredded paper to absorb and minimize odor. Most importantly, you’ll need to litter train your bunny or encourage them to use the litter box, if you want to keep things mess-free.

  • Poop scooper

You’ll need to get a poop scooper that’s durable and easy to clean. In addition, it should also have small holes that prevent your bunny’s poop from falling through.

  • Pet-safe cleaning products

Quite often, you’ll need to clean spills or messes, especially around your bunny’s cage. Hence it’s advisable to purchase pet-safe cleaning products lacking harmful chemicals a bunny may ingest.

  • Toys

Toys are essential since they provide entertainment for your pets. Always ensure that your rabbits have chew toys, hide in tunnels, dig boxes, or willow tents to keep them engaged and mentally stimulated.

  1. Health

A bunny’s health is another factor you need to consider when it comes to their daily rabbit care checklist. One thing to note is that rabbits being prey animals are normally good at hiding their health problems. In other words, to maintain your rabbit’s health, it’s important that you pay close attention to any behavioral anomalies or ailment signs and symptoms.

  • Fur

A rabbit’s fur regardless of the breed should be soft and shiny. Brush your rabbit’s coat after every 3 days. Once in a while check if your rabbit has skin irritation by running your hands through their fur. In addition, crusty skin, white scabs, or loss of fur could be an indicator of fleas, fur mites, or dandruff.

  • Teeth

Dental health is another issue worth considering. Overgrown or misaligned teeth in the long run, often lead to swollen cheeks, eye infections, loss of appetite, or change in diet. To keep their teeth well-trimmed, provide your bunnies with plenty of hay in addition to chew toys.

  • Eyes

A rabbit’s healthy eyes should be bright and clear. In other words, eyes that are cloudy or slightly swollen could be an indicator of overgrowth teeth, abscesses, blocked tear ducts, or an injury.

  • Ears

A rabbit’s ears should be free from termites, lumps, wounds, excessive wax, or discharge. An ear check is, therefore necessary since some ear-related problems can affect a rabbit’s overall well-being.

  • Nails

Overgrown nails often interfere with a rabbit’s walking style and cause pain or even infections in the long run. It’s, therefore, a good idea to clip their nails after every seven or eight weeks.

  • Nose

A healthy rabbit’s nose should be dry and free from mucus. A runny nose or difficulty breathing is a tell-tale sign that your bunny has a cold or perhaps they’re suffering from a chronic bacterial infection.

  • Excrement

Health rabbit poop should be dry, round, and friable. In other words, it should mainly consist of undigested fiber which should resemble grapes that are tightly bunched.


  1. Diet

A healthy rabbit is most likely to eat or drink consistently. Therefore, loss of appetite or change in their eating habit is a clear indication that something is not right. A rabbit’s daily diet should comprise mainly hay. It should also be supplemented with fresh leafy greens, fruits, pellets, and small quantities of their favorite treats.


  1. Grooming

Some of the essential rabbit grooming items include a brush and nail clippers. A  bristle brush helps get rid of mats and loose or extra fur on a rabbit’s coat. The longer your rabbit’s fur the more regular you need to brush it. In addition, brushing also helps quicken the shedding process.

Nail clippers always come in handy if you want to trim a bunny’s nails. A suitable nail clipper essentially has an angled blade and sharp stainless steel blades. In addition, it also comes with rubberized grips that are slip-resistant.


  1. Housing

A rabbit should live in a spacious and secure enclosure, the larger their housing the better. The average cage size should be 6ft x 2ft x 2ft. On the other hand, you can also purchase a spacious playpen for your rabbits. You can also add a hiding house which will essentially make your bunny feel a lot safer and more at home. Click here to learn more about both indoor and outdoor rabbit enclosures.

For indoor rabbits, you’ll need to rabbit-proof your house. Cover all your cords to prevent them from being chewed on. This behavior is not only destructive but can also be hazardous for your pets. Additionally, bunny-proofing your furniture, carpets, and drapes from getting chewed on is also recommended. You can find in-depth information about rabbit-proofing your house by clicking on this link.


How much time should I spend with my rabbit every day?

On a daily basis, you need to spend at least an hour of your time with your rabbit. More specifically, early in the morning or late in the evening are the best time to spend with your bunnies. However, younger bunnies need more time since they’re more active and full of energy.



Even if you’ve established a routine, having a daily rabbit care checklist acts as a reminder to cover basics that might go unnoticed. In addition, a checklist comes in handy especially when there are different rabbit caretakers. In other words, it helps you determine which rabbit tasks have been completed and which ones haven’t.



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