How to create a rabbit-friendly home environment

A rabbit-friendly home environment is essential for the general well-being of your rabbit. Creating a conducive environment entails providing a spacious and safe living area, access to fresh hay, veggies, and a limited amount of pellets. Last but not least, providing toys and activities that will keep your bunny entertained and mentally stimulated. Keep reading … Read more

Can I keep my rabbit on concrete?

Whether you’re keeping a bunny indoors or outdoors, the question you might be asking is, can I keep my rabbit on concrete? The short answer is yes, however only do so temporarily. Although solid flooring is easier to clean and also trims your pet’s nails, in the long run, it contributes to bunnies getting sore … Read more

Can rabbits live on the balcony?

If you live in an apartment or a condo, and you’ve adopted a bunny, you might be wondering, can rabbits live on the balcony? The short answer is yes, however, you need to ensure that it’s spacious and secure enough.   How do you make a balcony rabbit friendly? Making your balcony rabbit-friendly entails not … Read more

Can I leave my rabbit outside at night?

  With a secure enclosure and occasional supervision, rabbits can be housed outdoors. However, the question most bunny owners often ask themselves is, can I leave my rabbit outside at night? The short answer is no if your intention is to let it free-roam indoors. On the other hand, it’s a yes if it’s outdoors … Read more

What should I look for when buying a rabbit hutch?

If you intend to purchase a new house for your bunny, you might be asking, what should I look for when buying a rabbit hutch? The answer to this question boils down to your pet’s comfort, which includes hutch size, material, flooring, and accessories.   What should I look for in a rabbit hutch? Hutch … Read more

How to keep rabbits from digging out of pen

Digging is one of those natural behaviors that both wild and domestic rabbits partake in. While the former typically live in burrows, bunnies in captivity can dig an average of one foot deep if given an opportunity. This, therefore, leaves most rabbit owners wondering how to keep rabbits from digging out of the pen. Keep … Read more

How can I make my rabbit hutch more secure?

Considering that rabbits are prey animals, they need an enclosure that offers them maximum safety, more so if they’re housed outdoors. Depending on where you live, your pet can fall victim to being attacked by dogs, cats, foxes, birds of prey, raccoons, weasels, or snakes. The question most owners often ask is, how can I … Read more

Can i keep a rabbit in my bedroom?

The question you may sometimes wonder as an indoor rabbit owner is, can I keep a rabbit in my bedroom? The short answer is yes. However, there are certain factors you ought to consider first. The two main ones are bunny proofing your bedroom and also ensuring that your rabbit is litter trained. Preparation prior … Read more

Can rabbits live with goats?

If you’re keeping both rabbits and goats, or intend to do so you may often have wondered, can rabbits live with goats? The short answer is no. This is mainly because of the high health risk associated with keeping both species. On top of that, rabbits and goats both have behavioral and size differences, which … Read more

Can rabbits and chickens share a run?

If you’re keeping both rabbits and chickens, you may probably wonder if the two can get along. If so, can rabbits and chickens share a run? The short answer is yes. However, certain factors need to be considered beforehand as we shall discuss in this article.   Can rabbits and chickens share a run? Surprisingly … Read more

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