White rabbit scientific name

Oryctolagus cuniculus is a white rabbit scientific name, which also applies to more than 300 European bunny breeds. In other words, Oryctolagus is the genus while cuniculus represents the species name. White rabbits and all domestic rabbits, in general, belong to the Leporidae family and in the order Lagomorpha which also includes hares and pikas. … Read more

Calmest rabbit breeds that make great pets

Some rabbit owners prefer to adopt calm, docile, and laid-back rabbits as opposed to active or energetic ones. Regardless of whether your bunny is a miniature, medium, or giant breed, the calmer they are the better suited they are as pets, especially if they live indoors. Additionally, calm rabbit breeds are also ideal for first-time … Read more

Angora rabbit breed: info and facts

  The Angora rabbit has a distinctive long and fine wooly coat that has a 14 to 16-micrometer diameter and grows 3 centimeters per month. This particular breed is one of the oldest domestic rabbits originating from Ankara which is presently in Turkey. There are 5 main Angora rabbit breeds namely the English, German, French, … Read more

Netherland dwarf rabbit info and facts

The Netherland dwarf rabbit is a miniature rabbit that weighs around 2.5 pounds. This cute dwarf bunny originated from the Netherlands and is a popular rabbit breed in many households. This article takes an in-depth look at their history, size, and color variety. It also talks about Netherland dwarf rabbits’ care, diet, personality, housing, health, … Read more

Where do rabbits originate from?

I often get asked, where do rabbits originate from? Bunnies are descendants of the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) that originated from the southern European mainland. They were the only domesticated rabbits that lead to the rise of the current variety of rabbit breeds you see today. It’s worth pointing out, however, that cottontail and jackrabbits … Read more

What did rabbits evolve from?

Rabbits were first domesticated as early as the 5th century. They were kept as pets or bred for their meat and fur. However, the age-old question is what did rabbits evolve from? Fossil records dating back to 40 million years ago suggest that Lagomorpha (an order of mammals that rabbits belong to) evolved from Asia. … Read more

Male vs female rabbit: All you need to know

New rabbit owners and some avid groomers often find it hard to differentiate between a male vs a female rabbit. One way to tell apart a male and female rabbit is by examining their genitals. Bucks have two visible testicles, while females have v-shaped genitalia. Determining the gender for kittens below four months entails gently … Read more

How long do dwarf rabbits live?

Dwarf rabbits are adorable pets that are popular in many households. In case you own a tiny rabbit or perhaps intend to adopt one and you’re wondering how long they live, then this article is for you. Dwarf rabbits live an average of 8 to 10 years with some breeds such as the Netherland Dwarf … Read more

Are rabbits good pets for kids?

Are rabbits good pets for kids? This is the question most parents who want to adopt a bunny for their little one probably ask a lot. The short answer is that most bunnies aren’t good pets for young children. Although rabbits are adorable and seem like the perfect pet for small children, they’re delicate animals. … Read more

Are rabbits rodents?

Are rabbits rodents? This is the age-old question that usually lingers in most people’s minds. Bunnies are not rodents, contrary to popular belief. One of the main differences between the two is their dental anatomy. Bunnies have four incisors while rodents have two. Rabbits are strictly herbivorous while most rodents’ diet also comprises meat. Although … Read more

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