Can rabbits eat watermelon?

Last Updated on July 4, 2024 by Admin

Rabbits are herbivores that primarily feed on hay, substituted with vegetables and a limited amount of fruits. For the latter, you need to be cautious considering that they make up around 5% of rabbit’s diet and should be served as occasional treats. One fruit that catches the attention of most bunny owners is watermelon.

Due to its hydrating properties and refreshing flavor, it seems like a potential treat for bunnies. The main question however is, can rabbits eat watermelon? And if so, what quantity should you serve them? This blog post answers these questions in addition to looking at the nutritional value the fruit provides and the side effects of rabbits consuming watermelon excessively.


Can rabbits eat watermelon?

Yes, rabbits that are 12 weeks old and above can eat watermelons, however, serve them moderately and on occasion. The rule of thumb is to feed them two tablespoons per serving once or twice per week, along with other fruits. Other than the watermelon flesh, the other edible parts are the rind and skin. Since the latter contains less sugar and more fiber, it’s actually more nutritious than the flesh.

Introducing Watermelon to your rabbit’s Diet


When it comes to introducing a watermelon diet to rabbits, make sure that you first wash the fruit to remove any pesticides or dirt. Prior to feeding your bunny, cut one tablespoon of the fruit into small chewable pieces to prevent your rabbit from choking. Additionally, remove all the seeds before serving the fruit. Alternatively, you can always purchase seedless organic watermelons.

Gradually feed your rabbit the small pieces of the fruit’s flesh per serving including the rind and skin at intervals, throughout the day. Monitor how their body reacts within 24 hours after ingesting the new treat. Some rabbits have sensitive stomachs and may fail to tolerate watermelons. As a result, they may have soft stools, diarrhea, or lack of appetite. If this is the case, avoid feeding them the watermelon. On the other hand, if they have no negative reaction towards the fruit, increase the serving from one tablespoon to two per serving twice per week.

Lastly, when serving your rabbit watermelon, make sure that it’s fresh and at room temperature. Avoid feeding them frozen or cold watermelon as it may lead to stomach upsets for your rabbit.



The nutritional value watermelon provides rabbits

Watermelon is high in water content, around 91% which keeps your rabbits hydrated on hot days. This particular fruit is also packed with vitamins A and C which help to maintain a rabbit’s healthy skin as well as strengthen its immune system. Its low-calorie content also helps prevent rabbits from gaining weight in the long run, unlike most fruits or treats. Additionally, watermelons also contain small percentages of potassium, magnesium, and dietary fiber. All of this helps contribute to the proper functioning of a rabbit’s organs.


Risks of feeding rabbits excessive watermelon

Just like any other fruit, feeding your rabbits too much watermelon consistently is unhealthy for them. For instance, the high sugar content this particular fruit contains may lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea, bloating, or gastrointestinal problems.

The other risk of a rabbit consuming high sugar content from a watermelon is the likelihood of your pet putting on weight. As a result, it may lead to more severe health complications.

Excessive intake of watermelon can also make your bunny to be a picky eater. The sugary taste of the fruit may influence your rabbit to refuse its primary diet. As a result, this may lead to nutritional imbalance as well as dental issues. This is mainly because a rabbit’s teeth never stop growing, and failure to eat a high-fiber diet that trims down their teeth eventually causes tooth misalignment or overgrowth.



Although feeding your rabbits small watermelon potions occasionally is healthy, always ensure that you provide your pet with a balanced diet. It should primarily consist of hay, substituted with vegetables and a limited amount of fruits. Lastly, if your rabbit body reacts abnormally when you’ve introduced a watermelon diet, a trip to the veterinarian or rabbit nutritional expert is always recommended.


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